Sunday Worship

11:00 am - 12:00 pm

May 23, 2021 Service

We encourage you to come and worship with us in-person.

The YouTube Livestream link above will be available before the 11:00 AM service.

Please refresh your browser if you already have this page open and/or see the option to watch last week's service.

Click here to view or listen to the past sermons. 


These are the announcements for this week:

  1. Sunday Childcare Services are now available starting at 9:15am on Sundays. Place your children in our care so you can focus on worshipping the Lord. Read more.
  2. ACE class continues this Sunday at 2pm. Click here for zoom link and details.
  3. Harbor House Volunteers: Would you like to help provide meals for the needy? There are three ways to help, click here to find out.
  4. If you would like to obtain a Weekly Offering Report, please email Michelle Cheng.