Tell us a little bit about yourself.

My wife Xiaochen and I both moved to the area in 2003, and settled down in Thousand Oaks about 8 years ago.  We have two sons, (Kyler and Kayden), both currently in elementary school.

What do you do as occupation and what are your hobbies?
I am a consultant in acoustics.  As a family, we enjoy hiking in nature on the nearby trails, and in the winter we enjoy cross-country skiing further north.

Why did you choose to accept the nomination to be a deacon?
Seeing how God has been faithful, in raising up new leadership at this church.

How did God speak to you through the process?

Through our involvement in community and fellowship, God has been calling our family to explore how we can serve Him better by connecting with His people.

What is one thing you look forward the most as you serve as a deacon? 

Working alongside fellow brothers and sisters, towards a common goal.

Do you anticipate any challenges ahead and how can we (the Church) pray for you? 

Please pray for wisdom to maintain balance & perspective on how to use the time and resources given to our family.

2019 Deacon Candidate

Wayne Chen

Tell us a little bit about yourself.

I was at CCCTO from 1986 to 1997, served as a youth counselor for most of this time, and as a deacon for two years.  We left CCCTO in 1997, and attended a multi-ethnic church called Mosaic in East LA.  Later, we joined a small startup church called Rivers in Westlake Village.  I am married to my beautiful wife Dorothy.  I have been a born-again Christian since 1984 when I was a junior at Michigan State University.  We don’t have any kids but God has blessed us with 3 aging parents to care for today.

What do you do as occupation and what are your hobbies?

I am the founder and CEO of a small telecommunication company called AerioConnect.  We have roughly 65 employees among 2 offices, one in Los Angeles, and one in Newbury Park.  I am hoping to sell the company soon so I can start my early retirement. :-)  I love playing sports, especially basketball, Go Lakers and Go Spartans! and spending time with my wife, traveling and trying different restaurants.  I also enjoy reading as well as hosting friends and family at our house.

Why did you choose to accept the nomination to be a deacon?

When I found out that our English ministry will lose 3 deacons and Pastor Peter at the end of this year, it weighed heavily on my heart.  I’m not sure how God would use me as a deacon but in my prayer with God, the desire to help Pastor Curtis, our elders and to work alongside other deacons at CCCTO kept growing.  After much thoughts and prayers, as well as my wife’s encouragement, I decided to accept the nomination.


How did God speak to you through the process?

Ever since I became a believer, I knew that I wanted to serve our Lord and to love God and love others for the rest of my life.  My passion is to serve in a smaller setting; to share Christ one-on-one, get involved in small group bible study and to disciple other brothers.  When I was approached to be a deacon, it will be serving in a very different capacity than my passion. However, going back to #3, I think God put it in my heart to serve our church and the body of Christ in this capacity.  

What is one thing you look forward the most as you serve as a deacon? 

I look forward to working as part of a ministry team, learning from others, as well as sharpening one another.

Do you anticipate any challenges ahead and how can we (the Church) pray for you? 

With the busy schedule and demands from my work, it could be challenging to take on more responsibilities.  Also the reality of the evil one opposing anyone serving God and His people, please pray for protection as well as courage to stand for God and follow His will.

Deacon's Sharing

Dickson Gee

Tell us a little bit about yourself

I started attending CCCTO in 2010 after getting acquainted and having a Japanese lunch (Yamatos) with Pastor Peter. I am currently co-teaching the Youth with Pastor Peter on Sundays. Then on 1st and 3rd Fridays I serve in the Youth group. The 2nd and 4th Fridays I help with an international students ministry at Cal State Northridge.


What do you do as occupation and what are your hobbies?

I have been bi-vocational from (1984-2010) serving as an associate pastor and working in the graphics industry. I used to enjoy the outdoors and the colder months (camping, skiing and snow boarding) but age and health issues has limited me to scrabble and doodling. 


Why did you choose to accept the nomination to be a deacon?

I accepted the nomination after spending time seeking the Lord’s will. I have been blessed to have servant leaders who modeled servanthood. It is my humble desire to serve others and glorify Jesus.


How did God speak to you through the process?

I believe the Lord guided the process by: seeking the Lord's will in prayer; going through the deacon class; and reading the deacons experiences through the Leadership Highlights


What is one thing you look forward the most as you serve as a deacon? 

I heard that the fellowship during the meetings are enriching as well as the snacks. Actually, being able to sharpen each other and help grow His church and kingdom is my goal.


Do you anticipate any challenges ahead and how can we (the Church) pray for you? 

The main challenge that I face is looking for gainful employment. To balance work and ministry as many others have shared.

Deacon's Sharing

Gary Wu

Tell us a little bit about yourself.    

I grew up on the east coast, both in NYC and near Atlanta, GA. I have been living in California since 2005 at the start of my career. I became a believer only shortly prior in the summer of 2005.  Currently I am fairly settled in Thousand Oaks (Newbury Park) with my wife, Angela, and a beautiful house to take care. I started coming to CCCTO back in 2006 and I am part of the Hungry Fellowship, Worship Team & Homeless Ministries.  


What are your hobbies or like to do? 

I work in the government as a civilian/engineer. Most of my work has transitioned now to project leads / managerial duties. My latest hobbies include: Music production with a focus on learning the different types of sound equipment and software. Fixing/maintaining the house. It is both a chore and also fun when things are fixed. Sitting on my chaise and staring at the big tree in our backyard, cleansing my mind and resting with my mind on God.


Why did you choose to accept the nomination to be a deacon?     

I felt that God wanted me to go deeper into a relationship with Him- to achieve that, an opportunity needed to come about that presented significant challenges and rewards. That opportunity was to become a deacon. 


How did God speak to you through the process?     

This may be the 3rd time that I was requested to become a deacon. It is amazing how much can change over a year as last year, was the 2nd time I was asked. God had provided the maturity as well the experience that led me to the decision to take this step of faith. Granted I took two weeks to seriously consider and pray over the matter with God; however, the process that led me to this point reaches back multiple years. 

What is one thing you look forward the most as you serve as a deacon?  

Working with our pastors, especially Pastor Curtis. There is much to learn and grow from this experience, and I look forward to gaining that wisdom from our pastors.

Do you anticipate any challenges ahead and how can we (the Church) pray for you?   

One difficult ministry that I chosen to put on hold is the worship ministry. I will miss leading the congregation. I will miss playing in a team with talented brothers and sisters. The sacrifice means that I can dedicate more time to being a deacon and loving the congregation in a different way; however, I do want to maintain a good balance between time at church and at home so much prayer is needed to keep my priorities straight. Pray for the worship ministry that the transition will lead new leaders to step up. Also, pray that I rely on God more often to make decisions for this church.

Deacon's Sharing

Vince Chan

Why did you choose to accept the nomination to be a deacon?

I accepted the nomination because I wanted to be obedient to God’s calling and to serve our church. When I was asked to be a Deacon at the church, I was unsure since I was worried that I might have to move for my job.  After much prayer and encouragement from one of the Pastors I accepted the calling.


What is one thing you enjoy most as you serve as a deacon?

I really enjoy serving the body of Christ within our Church. Serving alongside the pastors, elders, fellow deacons and other brothers & sisters. I appreciate how we respect one another and work with one mind and goal to serve God’s kingdom.  I have also been able to learn more what it means to be a part of a church family and feel extremely blessed to have a church home like CCCTO.


What is one challenge that you constantly face and how do you deal with it?

Learning to balance priorities with church, family, and work is my biggest challenge. I have a heart to serve the church but having a one-year old baby at home is really keeping me on my toes. For me I think this has been a truly humbling experience since it has really taught me to recognize my personal limitations and to accept them.


Why do you think people should accept if nominated?

I think if you are nominated to be a deacon, you should not hesitate and accept God’s call.  It means that He wants you to use your skills and talents, so that you can bless others.


How has being a deacon been a blessing to your life and faith?

It has been a huge blessing for me and in my spiritual walk. I was concerned that I was not ‘spiritually mature’ enough to be a deacon since I had not been a Christian for as long as my fellow brothers and sisters who were serving. It true though that God won’t give you more than you can handle: this experience has taught me to rely not on myself, but to lean on and trust in God.

Deacon's Sharing

Michelle Cheng

Why did you choose to accept the nomination to be a deacon? 

I accepted the nomination because I wanted to serve God and my Spiritual family.  I often wondered why things the way they are and how we can make improvement of our church. Instead of wondering, I was given an opportunity to be part of the discovery and solution. 

What is one thing you enjoy most as you serve as a deacon? 

I really enjoy serving the body of Christ with Church's leaders, deacons and other brothers & sisters. I love the fact that I can make a difference,

What is one challenge that you constantly face and how do you deal with it? 
One challenge that I constantly face is self-examination of my heart. I learned that being a deacon isn't just about attending EB meetings, running certain ministries and making proposals to the Executive board. It is really about serving God with a pure and humble heart. It is easy to criticize leadership, programs, people or even the worship service; but examining my own motives behind every suggestion or ideas is what really matters and that is what God looks at.  I often have to ask myself "Is my heart right before God?  Is the suggestion or ideas I have going to elevate God or myself? Who am I trying to please?"  My role is to serve and the work we do is all about changing and making our church better and brighter place for the glory of God.    

Why do you think people should accept if nominated? 
I think if you are nominated to be a deacon, you should definitely consider to accept because #1) God may just be calling you to this role. When God is calling, you do not say NO.  #2) God will use the gifts He gave you to bless His people and His Kingdom.  It is like God is presenting this "job offer" to you, it is your choice to accept or decline.

How has being a deacon been a blessing to your life and faith? 
It has been a huge blessing for my family and I.  Even though life gets busier with added responsibilities, I see how God moves in every detail of our lives. As I serve in this role, I often have to examine my own heart and re-evaluate my priorities. The added responsibilities actually motivated me to be more humble and selfless toward my family and others.  I also see how God provides when we feel inadequate. It is truly a privilege to serve God as a deaconess at CCCTO.   

Deacon's Sharing

Adolf Cheung

Why did you choose to accept the nomination to be a deacon?
I recall it was a turbulent time when Pastor Michael left CCCTO. Till this day, I am not clear about the specific reasons for his departure and the conflicts among the PT and EB. Nevertheless, I elected to stay despite not having a Lead Pastor at CCCTO. When I was nominated to be a deacon, I was touched yet felt inadequate and not sure if I have the skills and spiritual gifts to lead. It helped that I received a lot of encouragement from my wife and fellow brothers and sisters though. With a lot of prayers, I came to terms that it was God's calling and it's also a blessing to have the opportunity to serve His ministry. So, finally I accepted and trusted that God will equip me to do His work.

What is one thing you enjoy most as you serve as a deacon?
Have the privilege to serve with our fellow EB brothers and sisters and grow spiritually is the most rewarding and enjoyable experience.

What is one challenge that you constantly face and how do you deal with it?
Juggling with busy work schedule and ministering God's work could be challenging at times. While I face difficulties, I often remind myself to pray, seek God's will, lean and trust in God.

Why do you think people should accept if nominated?
Submit to God's calling.

How has being a deacon been a blessing to your life and faith? Serving God's ministry is far more rewarding that serving the corporate world. It's a fulfilling and joyful experience. I believe being a deacon had accelerated my spiritual growth as well.

Deacon's Sharing

Steve Quon

Why did you choose to accept the nomination to be a deacon? 

To stretch my faith and to get out of my comfort zone spiritually.

What is one thing you enjoy most as you serve as a deacon? 

Working and serving with the church leaders (pastors, elders, deacons, other dedicated servants) who share the same passion for serving the church body.

What is one challenge that you constantly face and how do you deal with it? 

Trying to do too much to meet the perception or image from others of what a deacon should be. I remind myself that there are others, whether deacons or not, that are just as capable and gifted to perform these responsibilities.

Why do you think people should accept if nominated? 

This should be a natural extension of faith, love and service to the church body. I believe they will come out stronger and more mature in their faith through this experience regardless of the good times and bad times.

How has being a deacon been a blessing to your life and faith? 

This reinforces the themes of serving others, putting others before yourself, dying to one self. I am comforted that church leaders (pastors, elders, deacons, etc.) experience similar struggles and depend on God as much as the rest of the congregation. Ultimately, we are imperfect people (sinners) trying to do something that is perfect (church).